Life: Reinvented with Marina

Information about Financial Records for the Non Lucrative Visa for Spain

Marina 'Travel Experta'

There are many steps to follow, and many requirements needed to get a non-lucrative visa for Spain, and one of them are financial records.

In today's podcast, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about the financial records needed for the non-lucrative visa for Spain. 

About Marina 'Travel Experta'

  • I am an Experience Collector, World Traveler, Expat Mama and Wife
  • I have been an expat for over 20 years, raising 2 trilingual sons
  • My family and I have traveled to over 40 countries and counting …
  • I’m here to inspire you to travel, move internationally, have fun with your family and so much more!

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Hey, it's Marina travel experta. Today we're going to be talking about financial documents for your non lucrative visa for Spain. You guys ready for an adventure? Let's begin. Here's the thing guys, you're going to need all these other things, medical certificates, enrollment, health insurances. But at the end of the day, it will always all boil down. 

Can you afford your life in Spain without relying on Spain for your year Of being a non lucrative visa applicant? That is going to be the most Important part of it all. So what does that mean? You need to show that you can do it. So every year you need to make Sure that you check what is the financial requirement.

Now as a family, it's one type of requirement, As you go in by yourself, it's another requirement. So please make sure you have that. And we personally did even more. If you could show even more than what is the minimum expectancy, you have a much higher chance of doing that. So you can show that. First of all, you will need, no matter what, three statements of your bank right up to the three months before you apply to show that you have that amount, that entire amount for your family and everybody starting from the month one, it cannot be leading up to that. 

So those three months, you have to Show that you have all that amount Of money that entire time. So three statements have to have at least all that you need to bring. That's very important. Also, you could show with securities like equities if you have a brokerage account, so there are other ways as well. But obviously the bank account is probably going to be the most important one. But just have other ways of showing that you have all that money that you will not need to depend on them. Make sure that you have that. Well done. It's very important. Each country has a different way of doing it. 

For Guatemala, we literally had to have the bank account, the three statements printed out the day before our appointment. When I applied for my US, I was able to do it up to three months. They weren't as strict in that respect. So make sure that you have that all taken care of. But remember all your three bank account statements. And actually the US also asked me for my tax information, which I did not have to do, for which we did not have to do for Guatemala my tax returns. And I also printed out one year worth of my bank statements because for the United States, they did want to see that for sure as well.

You need to pretty much show that you have that kind of money. So basically it's about gathering the funds. 

Okay, if you guys have any other questions or feedback, please let me know. And if you enjoy this episode, share it with your friends. And remember, to make everyday an adventure.